Art of Darkness
Art of Darkness

艺术之家MASSACRE是一个钉在一个可怕的夜晚紧张的悬念恐怖。 Ben(MARTIN LAURENCE)和Liz(EMILY BAXTER)是一对已婚夫妇,仍然与Liz最近的流产有关。 过了几个星期后,她离开了她的护理工作,Ben正在努力在一轮冗余后继续他的会计工作。 事情在他们之间不是很大。 为了在一边帮助一些钱,Liz接受了菲利普(RYAN ...

艺术之家MASSACRE是一个钉在一个可怕的夜晚紧张的悬念恐怖。 Ben(MARTIN LAURENCE)和Liz(EMILY BAXTER)是一对已婚夫妇,仍然与Liz最近的流产有关。 过了几个星期后,她离开了她的护理工作,Ben正在努力在一轮冗余后继续他的会计工作。 事情在他们之间不是很大。 为了在一边帮助一些钱,Liz接受了菲利普(RYAN ELLIOTT)的一个阴影建模工作,菲利普是一个强壮的摄影师,从他无处不在的蔓延的房子工作。 但菲利普不是他的看法...现在:Liz被困在房子的地牢像地下室,在一个谋杀的精神病患者的离合器与艺术的装饰,并陷入一个器官收获的噩梦。 她唯一的希望是本,一个人认为她有危险这是一场比赛时间救了她,但Ben可以在Liz之前,她成为菲利普的下一个受害者...?
ART HOUSE MASSACRE is a nail bitingly tense suspense horror set over one gruesome night. Ben (MARTIN LAURENCE) and Liz (EMILY BAXTER) are a married couple still coming to terms with Liz's recent miscarriage. Too distraught in the weeks after it, she quit her nursing job, and Ben is struggling to hold on to his accountancy job after a round of redundancies. Things are not that great between them right now. In a bid to make some money on the side to help out, Liz accepts a shady modeling job for Philip (RYAN ELLIOTT), an intense photographer who works from his sprawling house in the middle of nowhere. But Philip isn't what he seems... Now: Liz is trapped in the dungeon-like basement of the house, in the clutches of a murderous psychopath with artistic pretensions, and caught up in an organ-harvesting nightmare. Her only hope is Ben, the one person who believes she's in danger It's a race against time to save her, but can Ben get to Liz before she becomes Philip's next victim...?