Tragic CeremonyEstratto dagli archivi segreti della polizia di una capitale europea

Four young people are enjoying the easy life, cruising on a yacht in the sun. Returning to land their car runs out of fuel and they find themselves outside a large manor belonging to Lord and Lady Alexander. Hoping to find fuel they are invited in to stay the night and shelter from a heavy storm. Th...
本片道具珍珠项链 一行四人“撞鬼”后阴差阳错来到一栋府邸 中间有些satanism 女主被献祭 其余人闯进仪式救出她后一起离开 随后又发生了些怪事和命案 然后有个不怎么令人惊讶的结尾还都一字一句解释完了 要说值得看的也就是仪式场景和之后的屠杀 屋内戏还有点哥特恐怖的感觉 想槽的就是公子哥居然第一个炮灰… 总之不必为了看cami去看这部
进到大宅连色调都变了,从暖色变为冷调 几个二比青年就这样一个个被杀害~~~其实这片子可以叫屠杀的盛宴~
Four young people are enjoying the easy life cruising on a yacht in the sun. Returning to land their car runs out of fuel and they find themselves outside a large manor belonging to Lord and Lady Alexander. Hoping to find fuel they are invited in to stay the night and shelter from a heavy storm. The three men are put up in the servant's quarters while Jane gets a room in the h...
不祥的珍珠项链引来厄运,这部在Riccardo Freda的铅黄作品中算不错的了。