Bloody Bloody Bible Camp

<br/> 1977一群年轻|角质|失控的基督徒都在快乐的一天圣经营地度过一个充满乐趣的周末。他们的举动激怒了sadisticcrazy不纯修女被称为“玛丽姐姐|斩波器”。这些年轻的罪人一个接一个地为他们的罪恶行为付出血腥的忏悔。7年后|另一组圣经totin'christian者回到快乐的日子圣经夏令...

In 1977 a group of young| horny| out of control Christians are spending a fun filled weekend at the Happy Day Bible Camp. Their impure antics rile up a sadisticcrazy nun known as| "Sister Mary Chopper". One by one these youthful sinners pay a BLOODY penance for their sinful acts. 7 years later| another group of Bible totin'Christian wannabes return to the Happy Day Bible Camp. All ignore the warnings from the local folk of the grizzly murders that took place 7 years prior. Is SisterMary Chopper dead or is she just waiting for backsliding Christians to commit sins of the unholy?