A Brave Heart: The Lizzie Velasquez Story

一颗勇敢的心:在丽兹·维拉斯奎兹的故事是继26岁的鼓舞人心的旅程纪录片| 58磅莉齐从网络欺凌受害者反欺凌活动家。天生患有一种罕见综合征,防止她从长胖|伊丽莎白“平民”贝拉斯克斯首次欺负在学校里的孩子找不同|后来在网上|作为一个十几岁的时候,她发现了一个YouTube视频标记她的“世界上最丑...

一颗勇敢的心:在丽兹·维拉斯奎兹的故事是继26岁的鼓舞人心的旅程纪录片| 58磅莉齐从网络欺凌受害者反欺凌活动家。天生患有一种罕见综合征,防止她从长胖|伊丽莎白“平民”贝拉斯克斯首次欺负在学校里的孩子找不同|后来在网上|作为一个十几岁的时候,她发现了一个YouTube视频标记她的“世界上最丑的女人”。该片记录了前所未闻的故事和莉齐的身体和情感历程的细节向她多万人观看的TEDx谈话|并跟随她从一个激励人心的演说国会山的追求她游说第一联邦反欺凌法案。
A BRAVE HEART: The Lizzie Velasquez Story is a documentary following the inspiring journey of 25 year old, 58 pound Lizzie from cyber-bullying victim to anti-bullying activist. Born with a rare syndrome that prevents her from gaining weight, Elizabeth "Lizzie" Velasquez was first bullied as a child in school for looking different and, later online, as a teenager when she discovered a YouTube video labeling her "The World's Ugliest Woman." The film chronicles unheard stories and details of Lizzie's physical and emotional journey up to her multi-million viewed TEDx talk, and follows her pursuit from a motivational speaker to Capitol Hill as she lobbies for the first federal anti-bullying bill.