边省奇侠The Texan

An outlaw, the Llano Kid is the scourge of south Texas and a Bible quoting lawman named Thacker. The kid joins a con man in a plot to deceive a wealthy old woman that he's her long-lost son and heir. Traveling to Mexico, move into the luxurious hacienda, but the Kid soon grows to love the woman and ...
An outlaw the Llano Kid is the scourge of south Texas and a Bible quoting lawman named Thacker. The kid joins a con man in a plot to deceive a wealthy old woman that he's her long-lost son and heir. Traveling to Mexico move into the luxurious hacienda but the Kid soon grows to love the woman and the beautiful neighbor Consuelo. He turns on his partner and the lawman from Tex...
? 律师看上Llano kid会说西班牙语这点,让他假扮南美大户人家失散多年的儿子,然而回了家之后,南美人家全程讲英语...
竟是John Cromwell的作品,剧情可太降智了(劝退的目光)库珀真不大能演坏人,肉眼可见的在假装发狠……不过他上马之后表演瞬间变自信很多……