
布兰登·布尔斯沃思也许是大学橄榄球历史上最伟大的步行。 布兰登一直梦想着玩阿肯色州的Razorbacks | 但被认为太短和太胖不能播放第一分区 布兰登承担了巨大的风险,并在1994年走了。由队友和教练写的 品牌在面对惊人的赔率时显示顽强的决心。 一个非常专心的基督教 布兰登从来没有诅咒或喝酒。 他真的很谦虚和低调...

布兰登·布尔斯沃思也许是大学橄榄球历史上最伟大的步行。 布兰登一直梦想着玩阿肯色州的Razorbacks | 但被认为太短和太胖不能播放第一分区 布兰登承担了巨大的风险,并在1994年走了。由队友和教练写的 品牌在面对惊人的赔率时显示顽强的决心。 一个非常专心的基督教 布兰登从来没有诅咒或喝酒。 他真的很谦虚和低调。 工作比任何人更难| 打开和关闭字段| 成为第一个获得学士和硕士学位的Razorback,同时仍在玩。 过度胖的孩子曾经是他的队友的尴尬和对他的教练的烦恼| 最终成为该项目历史上最受尊敬的球员| 改变他触摸的所有生命。 11天后被草拟成NFL | 布兰登在车祸中悲惨死亡| 击碎所有认识他的人。 布兰登是“toogood to be ...
Brandon Burlsworth is perhaps the greatest walk-on in the history of college football. Brandon had always dreamed of playing for the Arkansas Razorbacks| but wasconsidered too short and too fat to play Division I. Undeterred| Brandon took a big risk and walked on in 1994. Written off by fellow teammates and coaches| Brandondisplayed dogged determination in the face of staggering odds. An extremely devoted Christian| Brandon never cursed or drank. He was genuinely humble and low-key. Heworked harder than anybody| on and off the field| becoming the first Razorback to earn a Bachelor's and Master's degree while still playing. The overly-fat kid whowas once an embarrassment to his teammates and an annoyance to his coaches| ended up becoming the most respected player in the history of the program| changing thelives of all he touched. Eleven days after being drafted into the NFL| Brandon was tragically killed in a car accident| crushing all who knew him. Brandon was "toogood to be ...