A Haunting at the Rectory

<br/> 根据令人不寒而栗的真实生活事件,这个故事描绘了一对夫妇可怕的现实生活遭遇超自然力量的黑暗力量。1930、Reverend Lionel Foyster和他的妻子玛丽安进入Borley Rectory当Reverend Foyster任命为教区的牧师。这对夫妇的平静生活很快就被一系列无法解释的事件所粉碎,这些事件很快就升级成了一场令人伤心的噩梦...

根据令人不寒而栗的真实生活事件,这个故事描绘了一对夫妇可怕的现实生活遭遇超自然力量的黑暗力量。1930、Reverend Lionel Foyster和他的妻子玛丽安进入Borley Rectory当Reverend Foyster任命为教区的牧师。这对夫妇的平静生活很快就被一系列无法解释的事件所粉碎,这些事件很快就升级成了一场令人伤心的噩梦。现在Reverend Foyster和玛丽安必须发现教区牧师的致命秘密避免成为最闹鬼的房子在英国的黑暗历史的另一个悲剧的注脚。
Based on chilling real life events, this story charts one couple's terrifying real life encounter with the dark forces of the supernatural. In 1930, Reverend Lionel Foyster and his wife Marianne move into the Borley Rectory when Reverend Foyster is named rector of the parish. The couple's peaceful existence is soon shattered by a series of unexplained occurrences which quickly escalate into a heart stopping nightmare. Now Reverend Foyster and Marianne must discover the deadly secrets of the Rectory to avoid becoming another tragic footnote in the dark history of The Most Haunted House In England.