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鲁邦三世OVA 僵尸之城威尼斯

鲁邦三世新系列OVAルパン三世 ヴェニス・オブ・ザ・デッド

鲁邦三世OVA 僵尸之城威尼斯

Rebecca invites Lupin to one of her mansions, near Venice, in order to sign the papers for their divorce. Suddenly, a horde of zombies attack the islands, and the two barely manage to escape. At the end, Lupin discovers that it was simply a candid-camera for an upcoming film Rebecca is producing. To...

  Rebecca invites Lupin to one of her mansions, near Venice, in order to sign the papers for their divorce. Suddenly, a horde of zombies attack the islands, and the two barely manage to escape. At the end, Lupin discovers that it was simply a candid-camera for an upcoming film Rebecca is producing. To avoid having his face publicly revealed, Lupin tries to steal the film before its debut, but Rebecca manages to convince him to give it back by assuring that digital effects will be used to make Lupin himself a zombie, saving his privacy.