为了萝曦Keeping Rosy

May Fair Hotel很高兴为您呈现特别的'Keeping Rosy'庆典节目。 电影中蕴含着DNA,五月集市酒店是电影和娱乐业的代名词,并为能支持独立电影制作感到自豪。这位英国惊悚片主演Maxine Peake(“无耻”),Blake Harrison(“中间人”)和Christine Bottomley(“树荫处”)的精彩表演。夏洛特(Peake)是一位女...
May Fair Hotel很高兴为您呈现特别的'Keeping Rosy'庆典节目。 电影中蕴含着DNA,五月集市酒店是电影和娱乐业的代名词,并为能支持独立电影制作感到自豪。
这位英国惊悚片主演Maxine Peake(“无耻”),Blake Harrison(“中间人”)和Christine Bottomley(“树荫处”)的精彩表演。
夏洛特(Peake)是一位女性,完全由她的职业定义。 她从生活中想要得到的一切只是削减自己致力于建立的媒体代理机构的一部分。 但是,当发现自己被董事会出卖后,她回到家中并向清洁工发火时,暴露出了她完美生活的脆弱性。 随着夏洛特的生活瓦解,我们跟随她,在她为光明的未来而战的过程中,经历了一次自我发现,赎罪和危险的艰辛旅程。
The May Fair Hotel is thrilled to be presenting this special gala screening of ‘Keeping Rosy’. With film in its DNA, The May Fair Hotel is synonymous with the film and entertainment industry, and are proud to be supporting independent filmmaking.
This British thriller stars Maxine Peake (‘Shameless’), with brilliant performances from Blake Harrison (‘The Inbetweeners’) and Christine Bottomley (‘The Arbor’).Charlotte (Peake) is a woman who is completely defined by her career. All she wants from life is to be cut a slice of the media agency she has devoted herself to building. However, the fragility of her perfect existence is exposed when, after finding out she’s been betrayed in the boardroom, she returns home and takes her anger out on her cleaner. As Charlotte’s life disintegrates, we follow her on a heart-racing journey of self-discovery, atonement and danger as she fights for a rosier future.