戰爭的殤痛(台)Joe Maddisons War

Tyneside ship-builder Joe Maddison lost his faith in the trenches at the Somme in 1916. Now that World War Two has begun he is too old to enlist alongside his son and son-in-law and is also in a reserved occupation so, after his wife Polly has left him for a sailor,he joins the Home Guard with his f...
Tyneside ship-builder Joe Maddison lost his faith in the trenches at the Somme in 1916. Now that World War Two has begun he is too old to enlist alongside his son and son-in-law and is also in a reserved occupation so after his wife Polly has left him for a sailorhe joins the Home Guard with his friendsMarxist Eddie and cynicalwise-cracking Harry.Harry's anti-authoritarian ...
1939 年,纽卡斯尔造船厂工人乔·麦迪森(Joe Maddison)感觉自己已经过了巅峰期——太老了,不能和正在开始接受英国皇家空军训练的儿子一起在战争中服役。几天后,当他的妻子离开他去找一名年轻的海军军官时,乔发现自己没有目标,需要新的挑战——所以他和最好的朋友哈利决定加入国民警卫队……