Cotton Comes to Harlem

掘墓人琼斯和棺材埃德·约翰逊是两个黑色与警察打破奇头的声誉。两者都是在牧师的德科O'Mailey的成功是谁卖的旅行回到非洲穷人分期付款恼火。当他的卡车被劫持和一大包棉花,在追逐金钱丢失酿,哈林被掘墓和棺材埃德,牧师,和劫持者天翻地覆。大部分的幽默是黑色的城市,这是不寻常的1970年 Gravedigger Jones ...

Gravedigger Jones and Coffin Ed Johnson are two black cops with a reputation for breaking the odd head. Both are annoyed at the success of the Reverend Deke O'Mailey who is selling trips back to Africa to the poor on the installment plan. When his truck is hijacked and a bale of cotton stuffed with money is lost in the chase, Harlem is turned upside down by Gravedigger and Coffin Ed, the Reverend, and the hijackers. Much of the humor is urban black, which was unusual in 1970