Beautiful Losers

上世纪九十年代初,当人们正忙于走出里根时代的影响时,一群年轻的美国艺术家们以DIY的态度,在滑板、涂鸦和朋克音乐的促进下,展开了一场轰轰烈烈的文化运动…… Beautiful Losers is a feature documentary film celebrating the independent and D.I.Y. spirit that unified a l...
Beautiful Losers is a feature documentary film celebrating the independent and D.I.Y. spirit that unified a loose-knit group of American artists who emerged from the underground youth subcultures of skateboarding, graffiti, punk rock and hip-hop. This documentary tells the story of how a group of outsiders with little or no formal training and almost no conception or interest of the inner workings of the art world ended up having an incredible impact on the worlds of art, fashion, music, film and pop culture.
Beautiful Losers is a feature documentary film celebrating the independent and D.I.Y. spirit that unified a loose-knit group of American artists who emerged from the underground youth subcultures of skateboarding, graffiti, punk rock and hip-hop. This documentary tells the story of how a group of outsiders with little or no formal training and almost no conception or interest of the inner workings of the art world ended up having an incredible impact on the worlds of art, fashion, music, film and pop culture.