The Age of Consequences

The Hurt Locker meets An Inconvenient Truth, THE AGE OF CONSEQUENCES investigates the impacts of climate change, resource scarcity, migration, and conflict through the lens of US national security and global stability. Whether a long-term vulnerability or sudden shock, the film unpacks how water and...
CMU Film Festival
The Hurt Locker meets An Inconvenient Truth THE AGE OF CONSEQUENCES investigates the impacts of climate change resource scarcity migration and conflict through the lens of US national security and global stability. Whether a long-term vulnerability or sudden shock the film unpacks how water and food shortages extreme weather drought and sea-level rise function as accele...
GOMA的free film,环境问题,战争,难民,冲突,资源不平等导致一系列问题,归根结底还是环境承载力的问题