军情五处 第十季
反恐谍报战(台) 第十季,神出鬼没 第十季,谍影生涯 第十季,MI-5 Season 10Spooks

The tenth and final season of long-running British espionage thriller MI-5 sees Harry return to his post as head of Section D, wherein his Russian opposite Ilya Gavrik (Jonathan Hyde) proposes a strategic partnership between their countries. New spooks Erin Watts (Lara Pulver) and Calum Reed (Geoffr...
“Harry Pearce”
The tenth and final season of long-running British espionage thriller MI-5 sees Harry return to his post as head of Section D wherein his Russian opposite Ilya Gavrik (Jonathan Hyde) proposes a strategic partnership between their countries. New spooks Erin Watts (Lara Pulver) and Calum Reed (Geoffrey Streatfield) join the fight to prevent all enemies of the alliance from s...
没了Lucas本来就…Lara Pulver表现的感觉还不如在Robin Hood里,Dimitri本来就无感这回连剧组都好像懒得扶正他…反正这季挑大梁的是HarryRuth啦也无所谓…算是除第六季外最无感的一季吧…其实第九季散场算了…
The last season so nolstalgic so sorrowful so sentimental.