放生员工请注意(台),野鼠,狂野耗子,疯狂的老鼠,Wild MouseWilde Maus

Georg feels con dent and at ease in his posi on as a member of a Viennese newspaper’s editorial sta . He is both loved and feared – as be ts an established music cri c who wields a sharp pen. But then he is suddenly made red...
keyboard_arrow_down Georg feels con dent and at ease in his posi on as a member of a Viennese newspaper’s editorial sta . He is both loved and feared – as be ts an established music cri c who wields a sharp pen. But then he is suddenly made redundant. A cost-cu ng measure, he is told – before being shown the door. But instead of telling his young wife Johanna, whose thoughts currently revolve around her desire for children and her next ovula on, Georg is out for revenge. He nds an ally in giving vent to his anger at his ex- boss in the shape of an old school friend, Erich. What begins with minor property damage soon turns into a campaign of all out terror. At the same me, Georg and Erich have a go at trying to revive a dilapidated rollercoaster in Vienna’s Prater amusement park – the legendary ‘wild mouse’. In his directorial debut, cabaret ar st and actor Josef Hader tells a funny, drama c story about the Austrian middle-class’ private fears of failure and social decline. A wi y and ironic lm that re ects on how a bourgeois life can go awry – and then perhaps manages to get back on an even keel a er all.