My Body

《我的身体》 导演声明 在你进入这个黑暗之前我没有太多可说的。我拍这部电影的目的很简单,我只想成为我自己,而不必为自己感到羞耻。 我记忆犹存,一个镜子面前的女人。看着镜中的自我。当镜子提醒你已不是你自己,微笑便不由自主消失。我拍了一部自画像。不仅仅是折射我自己,还有我的时光。我听到一种轻声细语。一种...
Margreth Olin | 挪威 | 2002 | 26 分钟 | 35毫米 | 挪威语配中英文字幕
My Body
A brilliant documentary about body and identity.
Norway has only a few filmmakers of international quality. Meaning: They are able to project their stories onto the big screen, in such a way that you know it couldn’t have been done much better anywhere else in the world. At least if such a statement can be based on some years of participating in film festivals in Norway and abroad. Margreth Olin is one of these.
This documentary is called “My Body”. She literally strips naked in front of the camera, wanting to tell the story of being her self. Today, a grown woman with obviously exceptional resources. But what and whom shaped the woman she has become, her identity and how she sees herself? Yes, this could easily have become mushy. Confessional literature’s huge weakness is that if one is not interested in the confessor or her story, it collapses completely. This is by no means the case here.
Margreth Olin | Norway | 2002 | 26 minutes | 35mm | Norwegian with English & Chinese subtitles
Margreth Olin | 挪威 | 2002 | 26 分钟 | 35毫米 | 挪威语配中英文字幕
My Body
A brilliant documentary about body and identity.
Norway has only a few filmmakers of international quality. Meaning: They are able to project their stories onto the big screen, in such a way that you know it couldn’t have been done much better anywhere else in the world. At least if such a statement can be based on some years of participating in film festivals in Norway and abroad. Margreth Olin is one of these.
This documentary is called “My Body”. She literally strips naked in front of the camera, wanting to tell the story of being her self. Today, a grown woman with obviously exceptional resources. But what and whom shaped the woman she has become, her identity and how she sees herself? Yes, this could easily have become mushy. Confessional literature’s huge weakness is that if one is not interested in the confessor or her story, it collapses completely. This is by no means the case here.
Margreth Olin | Norway | 2002 | 26 minutes | 35mm | Norwegian with English & Chinese subtitles