After Thomas

本片讲述了一对夫妇克服重重困难治疗抚养孤独症孩子的真实故事。陷入绝望的父母,为了让6岁的凯尔学会与他人沟通,买了一只小狗,希望在这只可爱的拉布拉多犬及他们的不懈努力下,儿子能学会情感交流。终于,他们发现小狗托马斯做到了这一切。本片讲述了男孩凯尔与小狗托马斯的精彩感人的故事。 After Thomas is th...
After Thomas is the true story of one couple’s struggle to meet the challenges of bringing up an autistic child. Desperate for six-year-old Kyle to relate to them and others, they buy him a puppy in the hope that the affectionate Labrador, coupled with their own tireless efforts, will encourage their son to understand emotional interaction. The film is a fascinating and moving account of two parents who find that Thomas the dog does just that.
After Thomas is the true story of one couple’s struggle to meet the challenges of bringing up an autistic child. Desperate for six-year-old Kyle to relate to them and others, they buy him a puppy in the hope that the affectionate Labrador, coupled with their own tireless efforts, will encourage their son to understand emotional interaction. The film is a fascinating and moving account of two parents who find that Thomas the dog does just that.