The Frankenstein Brothers
The Frankenstein Brothers is a coming of age romantic comedy centered around the lives of twin brothers Luke and Corey Frankenstein. Orphaned at the age of five, the brothers inherited their family brewery and were raised on beer by their uncle Connor. Now, following their college graduation, Luke a...
keyboard_arrow_down The Frankenstein Brothers is a coming of age romantic comedy centered around the lives of twin brothers Luke and Corey Frankenstein. Orphaned at the age of five, the brothers inherited their family brewery and were raised on beer by their uncle Connor. Now, following their college graduation, Luke and Corey decide it’s time to finish formulating their 'family ale'; a beer their parents started but never finished.
However, when Luke falls for Kelly, a girl who shows him the home life he's always wanted, he abandons Corey in pursuit of his budding relationship. Corey, however, refuses to go down without a fight, and the ensuing mayhem that follows pits brother against brother and forces the Colorado wild boys to finally grow up and decide what kind of men they really want to be.