Ravens Touch

责备自己一个悲惨的事故,乌鸦迈克尔幽自己在远程家庭小屋。她徘徊在崩溃的边缘的树林,寻求和平的隔离。在最后挣扎试图挽救她的家庭,凯特·罗伊斯把她两个少年从技术和年轻浪漫的分心远处露营。当乌鸦和凯特的世界的碰撞,他们提供亲密和愈合对方意想不到的机会。撰稿滨海水稻巴德 Blaming herself for a tragi...

Blaming herself for a tragic accident, Raven Michaels secludes herself at a remote family cabin. She wanders the woods on the verge of a breakdown, seeking peace in isolation. In a last ditch attempt to save her family, Kate Royce takes her two teenagers camping far from the distractions of technology and young romance. When Raven and Kate's worlds collide they offer each other unexpected opportunities for intimacy and healing. Written by Marina Rice Bader