The Leopard Man

Is it man, beast or both behind a string of savage maulings and murders in The Leopard Man? An escaped leopard provides the catalyst for a foray into fear in which castanets clack wildly, a cemetery is a rendezvous for death and love, and a closed door heightens rather than hides the horror of a you...
我标了推理,然而推理并没有什么难的。作为早期Horror Genre的代表之一,声效设计和场面调度是一绝,从中产生了不少日后恐怖片常用的所谓“公式”吧。
这片单看解谜部分完全经不起推敲,但视听语言营造出的这种强烈神秘色彩很迷人,这方面比Cat People走得更远。豹子本人这次走了个过场并非主角。人物之间的对话很有意思,关于人性/兽性、宿命、虚无的讨论,对几场凶杀是好的注释。
Is it man beast or both behind a string of savage maulings and murders in The Leopard Man? An escaped leopard provides the catalyst for a foray into fear in which castanets clack wildly a cemetery is a rendezvous for death and love and a closed door heightens rather than hides the horror of a young girl's fate. It's the third and final teaming of producer Val Lewton and di...
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