Smoke Signal

Young Indian man Thomas is a nerd in his reservation, wearing oversize glasses and telling everyone stories no-one wants to hear. His parents died in a fire in 1976, and Thomas was saved by Arnold. Arnold soon left his family (and his tough son Victor), and Victor hasn't seen his father for 10 years...
电影是改编自Sherman Alexie的The Long Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven这部小说里的一些章节。电影忠于原著,应该是因为编剧也是作者的原因。虽然没有字幕,但是因为看过书,所以也没什么太大障碍。
科罗拉多大峡谷的实地取景使得有些画面看起来非常震撼。男主Dana Andrews的表演比较内敛,符合他一如既往像戴着Male Mask的表演风格。心理因素在本片扮演重要角色,在被迫从峡谷撤离途中,人的妒嫉、多疑、罪恶等暗面被淋漓尽致地展现,直到最后一幕危险解除后才显露出人的善良与宽容。
还行吧,就是一个男主扮相太奇怪了- -
我边看边走神,今早要交作业……T T
Young Indian man Thomas is a nerd in his reservation wearing oversize glasses and telling everyone stories no-one wants to hear. His parents died in a fire in 1976 and Thomas was saved by Arnold. Arnold soon left his family (and his tough son Victor) and Victor hasn't seen his father for 10 years. When Victor hears Arnold has died Thomas offers him funding for the trip to g...