Drone Wars

<br/> 在闪光| 入侵开始和结束。 充满烟雾和火焰| 现在,天空中的船只徘徊在每个方向上几英里的船上。 这些船只将地球的所有资源摧毁 而DRONES巡逻现在被毁坏的城市| 拿出他们认为是威胁的东西。 人类幸存者聚集在一起|拼命地试图复活他们曾经拥有过的任何正常状态。 在混乱| 隐藏...

在闪光| 入侵开始和结束。 充满烟雾和火焰| 现在,天空中的船只徘徊在每个方向上几英里的船上。 这些船只将地球的所有资源摧毁 而DRONES巡逻现在被毁坏的城市| 拿出他们认为是威胁的东西。 人类幸存者聚集在一起|拼命地试图复活他们曾经拥有过的任何正常状态。 在混乱| 隐藏在洛杉矶大街的一小群科学家,一直是为了击败无人机,一劳永逸地取下母亲。
In a flash| the invasion began and ended. Filled with smoke and fire| the sky is now littered with ships hovering above for miles in every direction. These shipsreap the Earth of all its resources| while DRONES patrol the now-ruined cities| taking out anything that they deem a threat. Human survivors group together|desperately trying to resurrect any semblance of normalcy they once had. Amidst the chaos| a small team of scientists hidden away in the bowels of Los Angeles areall that is left to defeat the drones and take down the motherships once and for all.