How to Save Us
How to Save Us

<br/> 布赖恩的弟弟萨姆在一个神秘的检疫中间在塔斯曼尼亚失踪。 布赖恩必须前往荒岛,将他的兄弟从现在完全由恶魔精神居住的土地中拯救出来。 为了生存,他必须遵循一套规则:包括用人类的灰烬来掩盖自己的存在,掩盖他们在困扰着贫瘠景观的恶毒实体中的存在。 但是,布莱恩能找到自己的兄弟还有足够的时间,还是将...

布赖恩的弟弟萨姆在一个神秘的检疫中间在塔斯曼尼亚失踪。 布赖恩必须前往荒岛,将他的兄弟从现在完全由恶魔精神居住的土地中拯救出来。 为了生存,他必须遵循一套规则:包括用人类的灰烬来掩盖自己的存在,掩盖他们在困扰着贫瘠景观的恶毒实体中的存在。 但是,布莱恩能找到自己的兄弟还有足够的时间,还是将他们两个都牢牢牢牢埋在死者的地狱之中?
Brian's younger brother Sam goes missing in Tasmania during the middle of a mysterious quarantine. Brian must travel to the deserted island to save his brother from a land now solely inhabited by demonic spirits. In order to survive, he must follow a set of rules: including covering himself with human ashes, to cloak his presence from the malevolent entities haunting the barren landscape. But will this buy enough time for Brian to find his brother, or will they both be stuck in a hellish realm of the dead forever?