Butter on the Latch

At a Balkan folk song and dance camp in the woods of Mendocino, California, Sarah reunites with her old friend Isolde and with a song she learned years before about dragons who entwine themselves in women's hair and carry them off through the forest, burning it as they go. When Sarah pursues a roman...
At a Balkan folk song and dance camp in the woods of Mendocino California Sarah reunites with her old friend Isolde and with a song she learned years before about dragons who entwine themselves in women's hair and carry them off through the forest burning it as they go. When Sarah pursues a romance with a new camper Steph the nights of sensual secrets and singing with Isold...
镜头建立的极度亲密感和由此带来的不安加上即兴对白的不确定性,Josephine Decker和Ashley Connor这对组合真是太会讲故事了。Its intimate shaky tactile unpredictable but all within rationality.