I Am Nancy

在自传我AMANANY,重点正在Heather Langenkamp和她独特的经验玩Wes Craven的传奇的青少年女主角南希汤普森。 Heather提出了一个炙手可热的问题:“为什么选择Freddymania,而不是Nancymania”在亲身体验了Freddy Krueger营销热潮,恐怖大会粉丝的兴起以及八噩梦榆树街电影的现象之后,Heather反思 英雄在这个现代...

在自传我AMANANY,重点正在Heather Langenkamp和她独特的经验玩Wes Craven的传奇的青少年女主角南希汤普森。 Heather提出了一个炙手可热的问题:“为什么选择Freddymania,而不是Nancymania”在亲身体验了Freddy Krueger营销热潮,恐怖大会粉丝的兴起以及八噩梦榆树街电影的现象之后,Heather反思 英雄在这个现代时代的怪物爱好者的相关性。 准备把自己放在南希的鞋子,以一种全新的方式思考榆树街。
In the autobiographical I AM NANCY, the focus is squarely on Heather Langenkamp and her unique experience playing Wes Craven's legendary teen heroine Nancy Thompson. With tongue planted firmly in cheek, Heather asks the burning question: "Why Freddymania, and not Nancymania " After personally experiencing the Freddy Krueger marketing craze, the rise of horror convention fandom and the phenomenon of eight Nightmare On Elm Street films, Heather reflects on the relevance of heroes in this modern age of monster lovers. Prepare to put yourself in Nancy's shoes and think about Elm Street in a whole new way.