情人与独裁者The Lovers and the Despot

<br/> 在20世纪70年代韩国| 演员Choi Eun-hee和她的前夫| 电影导演Shin Sang-ok | 离婚| 疏远和两个挣扎与失业的职业。不幸的是 他们的生活似乎改变了永远,当他们在1978年被他们最大的粉丝个人绑架 金正日| 朝鲜的专制。 与说服力和暴力 电影迷恋的金子计划使用他们开发隐士王国的电...
在20世纪70年代韩国| 演员Choi Eun-hee和她的前夫| 电影导演Shin Sang-ok | 离婚| 疏远和两个挣扎与失业的职业。不幸的是 他们的生活似乎改变了永远,当他们在1978年被他们最大的粉丝个人绑架 金正日| 朝鲜的专制。 与说服力和暴力 电影迷恋的金子计划使用他们开发隐士王国的电影业,并从它的无情的宣传心理。 通过i |的话 他们的家庭| 联合和美国情报人员| 你会跟随这对夫妇的奇怪的奴隶制,即使他们重新发现他们的爱,秘密地收集独裁者的罪行的证据。 所有他们| 他们努力与世界上最危险的电影怪人一起玩他们拼命地计划逃离。
In 1970s South Korea| actor Choi Eun-hee and her ex-husband| film director Shin Sang-ok| were divorced| estranged and both struggling with stalled careers.
Unfortunately| both their lives seemed changed forever when they were individually kidnapped in 1978 by their biggest fan| Kim Jong-il| despot of North Korea. Withpersuasion and brute force| the movie obsessed Kim planned to use them to develop the Hermit Kingdom's film industry and get it out of its mindless propaganda
mentality. Through the words of Choi| their family| associates and US intelligence personnel| you will follow the bizarre slavery of this couple even as they
rediscover their love and secretly gather evidence of the dictator's crimes. All they while| they struggle to play along with the world's most dangerous film geek as
they desperately plan for their escape.

第32届圣丹斯电影节 (2016)
评审团大奖 世界电影单元纪录片(提名)