Waffle Street

<br/> Waffle Street的丰富传说是詹姆斯·亚当斯2010年同名的回忆录(由Sourced Media Books出版)的改编,它记录了金融家进入食品行业的历史。 在他在对冲基金被解雇后,他在危机中的罪责被进一步玷污,亚当斯选择在一个受欢迎的24小时餐馆工作,他声称“他的大部分财务知识已被收集”。 对于企业贪婪的颓废,亚当...

Waffle Street的丰富传说是詹姆斯·亚当斯2010年同名的回忆录(由Sourced Media Books出版)的改编,它记录了金融家进入食品行业的历史。 在他在对冲基金被解雇后,他在危机中的罪责被进一步玷污,亚当斯选择在一个受欢迎的24小时餐馆工作,他声称“他的大部分财务知识已被收集”。 对于企业贪婪的颓废,亚当斯是一个拯救和不可能的友谊的故事,在Glover的角色爱德华,这个城市最好的短期厨师的指导下。
Waffle Street's riches-to-rags tale is an adaptation of James Adams' 2010 memoir of the same name (published by Sourced Media Books), which chronicles the financier's foray into the food industry. After being laid off at the hedge fund where he worked, and further jaded by his culpability in the crisis, Adams chose to work at a popular 24-hour diner where he claims "most of his financial knowledge has been gleaned." Offering a fresh take on the fallout of corporate greed, Adams' is a tale of the redemption and unlikely friendship found under the tutelage of Glover's character Edward, the best short-order cook in town.