House of Hammer

Debauchery. Deceit. Abuse. Addiction. Corruption. Over the course of five generations, the men in the Hammer family have more secrets and scandals than any vault can contain. Armie Hammer’s alleged crimes are only the tip of the iceberg. Through a trove of archive and interviews from survivors and f...
Armand Hammer年轻时帮kgb送情报,靠儿子录犯罪证据然后翻过头打劫,Julian Hammer在他去世后交出证据,查录音带证据的人发现他搞到尼克松头上,最后算是操控了水门事件和之后的竞选,与查尔斯王子有四千万金钱交易。抛开一以贯之的滥用史不说,Julian Hammer持枪抢劫杀人,Michael Hammer宗教狂热,而Armie Hammer在2020lockdown之后开始聊骚和...
这并不是拍的多么好的纪录片,但的确具有一定的现实意义,就如同之前Netflix关于N号房和Hunter Moore的纪录片一样值得我们深思,为什么世界上会有这样毫无同情心的加害者?而如何才能避免成为受害者?女性在社会化的过程中常常被塑造成听话,忍耐,守规则,符合性别角色规范,甚至接受作为女人的从属地位。即便是在女权高涨的今天,接受过良好教育能够独立生活的女性,要彻底摆脱“第二性”成为真正精神上独立...
一人犯错 祖宗连坐
就算拍了艾米锤还是有糖爹护着他保他一生平安呢 怎么有人能对受害者轻飘飘说句脑子也不笨为什么不跑 有毒的亲密关系哪能说要离开就能够轻轻松松摆脱的
Debauchery. Deceit. Abuse. Addiction. Corruption. Over the course of five generations the men in the Hammer family have more secrets and scandals than any vault can contain. Armie Hammer’s alleged crimes are only the tip of the iceberg. Through a trove of archive and interviews from survivors and family members the dark and twisted secrets of the Hammer family come to light. ...