苏格兰女王玛莉一世(台),苏格兰女王玛丽Mary, Queen of Scots

失去三个王国的女王。一个失去了三个丈夫的妻子。一个失去头的女人。苏格兰的玛丽女王(Mary Queen of Scots)在法国度过童年,也打算成为法国女王。但是,她生病的丈夫去世,年轻的寡妇独自返回苏格兰,这个国家饱受战争的打击。伊丽莎白刚刚成为英格兰女王,对玛丽来说,她就像一个孪生姐妹,她可以向她敞开心heart...
苏格兰的玛丽女王(Mary Queen of Scots)在法国度过童年,也打算成为法国女王。但是,她生病的丈夫去世,年轻的寡妇独自返回苏格兰,这个国家饱受战争的打击。伊丽莎白刚刚成为英格兰女王,对玛丽来说,她就像一个孪生姐妹,她可以向她敞开心heart。玛丽再次结婚,并生下了一个被继承人。她的第二任丈夫达恩利勋爵被证明是个弱者。当玛丽找到自己一生的挚爱,博斯威尔伯爵时,她杀死了达恩利,并嫁给了博斯威尔。苏格兰的贵族和人民都为这一行为和激发它的盲目的热情所震惊,苏格兰贵族和人民都拒绝了她。为了避免一场血腥的战斗,玛丽被迫放弃了自己心爱的博特韦尔。在绝望的海峡中,她向伊丽莎白求助。作为回应,英格兰女王将她囚禁。在一个金笼子里呆了19年之后,玛丽终于被释放:伊丽莎白将她送到了街区。
A queen who lost three kingdoms. A wife who lost three husbands. A woman who lost her head.
Mary Queen of Scots spends her childhood in France and is meant to become also Queen of France. However, her ailing husband dies and the young widow returns alone to Scotland, a country devastated by war. Elizabeth has just become Queen of England, for Mary she is like a twin sister to whom she can open her heart. Mary weds again and gives birth to an heir to the thrown. Her second husband, Lord Darnley, proves to be a weakling. When Mary finds the love of her life, the Earl of Bothwell, she has Darnley murdered and marries Bothwell. Horrified by this deed and the blind passion that motivated it, both the nobles and the people of Scotland spurn her. To avert a bloody battle, Mary is compelled to give up her beloved Bothwell. In desperate straits, she turns to Elizabeth for help. In response, the Queen of England imprisons her. After 19 years spent in a golden cage, Mary finds release at last: Elizabeth sends her to the block.游客2022-10-17
A queen who lost three kingdoms. A wife who lost three husbands. A woman who lost her head.
Mary Queen of Scots spends her childhood in France and is meant to become also Queen of France. However her ailing husband dies and the young widow returns alone to Scotland a country devastated by war. Elizabeth has just become Queen of England for Mary she is like a twin sister to w...