Il solista del mitra,Lutrig,Too Soon to Die,Wake Up and DieSvegliati e uccidi

During the 1960s Luciano Lutring committed more than one hundred armed robberies in Italy and on the French Riviera. To the media he was the machine gun soloist, a name he'd earned as he kept his weapon in a violin case. To the public he was a romantic figure, one who only targeted the wealthy, stea...
被忽视的冷门经典 画质修复很棒 男女主角演技出色 尤其是佳思托妮 实在太棒了 导演卡扎尼功力了得 构图运镜有独到之处 剧情也很流畅 不是完美的片子 但很喜欢
During the 1960s Luciano Lutring committed more than one hundred armed robberies in Italy and on the French Riviera. To the media he was the machine gun soloist a name he'd earned as he kept his weapon in a violin case. To the public he was a romantic figure one who only targeted the wealthy stealing more than 35 billion lire during his criminal career. WAKE UP AND KILL wa...