宠物恐龙My Pet Dinosaur

当一个名叫卫国明的小男孩意外地交了一个新朋友时,一个混乱的小镇陷入了混乱。但随着这种生物每天都在迅速进化,卫国明发现养宠物的秘密越来越难了。卫国明的朋友和新来的女孩,Abbie意识到他们并不是唯一在这陌生感兴趣,调皮的小恐龙很快发现唯一比它是什么更神秘的,是谁在找它。 When a young...

When a young boy named Jake accidentally makes a new friend in an experiment gone wrong a troubled town is plunged into chaos. But with the creature rapidly evolving every day, Jake finds it increasingly difficult to keep his new pet secret. Jake's friends and new girl Abbie realize they are not the only ones interested in this strange, mischievous little dinosaur and soon discover that the only thing more mysterious than what it is, is who is looking for it.