我的阴宅My Amityville Horror

On November 13, 1974, the house at 112 Ocean Avenue in Amityville, New York became a place that locals feared when 23-year-old Ronald DeFeo murdered his entire family under very mysterious circumstances. In September 1977, it became a place the entire world feared when Jay Anson’s book “The Amityvil...
闹鬼事件当事人现身。本以为能听出点儿门道,却满篇是牢骚。我的鬼哭神嚎,我被毁掉的人生。叹气。//似乎这家继父很能招魂似的。不过惊喜的是看到驱魔人Lorraine Warren的影像
闹鬼事件后30多年期间,当事家庭大儿子Daniel Lutz经历了厌学、离家出走、流浪、离婚。此时重新站在镜头前的他变得多疑,易怒,脏话连篇,我们明显察觉到他心中住着个压抑已久的魔鬼。看完这部纪录片后我的思考不是闹鬼事件的真假,而是Daniel被媒体、社会和继父毁掉的人生。
On November 13 1974 the house at 112 Ocean Avenue in Amityville New York became a place that locals feared when 23-year-old Ronald DeFeo murdered his entire family under very mysterious circumstances. In September 1977 it became a place the entire world feared when Jay Anson’s book “The Amityville Horror” was published (later adapted into the popular series of films) bring...