Spark: A Space TailSpark

十三年前|疯狂的权力钟将军占领巴纳星球的控制和撕成碎片的过程中。现在分裂成碎片| Zhong isBana的邪恶霸主|铁腕统治数百。进入火花|十几岁的猴子和他的朋友|维克斯|战斗准备的狐狸|和块|技术娴熟的猪。火花学会ofzhong的秘密计划接管宇宙通过捕获太空怪物称为海妖-野兽...

十三年前|疯狂的权力钟将军占领巴纳星球的控制和撕成碎片的过程中。现在分裂成碎片| Zhong isBana的邪恶霸主|铁腕统治数百。进入火花|十几岁的猴子和他的朋友|维克斯|战斗准备的狐狸|和块|技术娴熟的猪。火花学会ofzhong的秘密计划接管宇宙通过捕获太空怪物称为海妖-野兽,有能力创造黑洞。如果Zhongmanages利用海妖的力量|他会在他的指尖|有历史上最致命的武器是由火花和他的朋友阻止他。火花的journeytakes他宇宙的|那里他遇到很大的危险的下游,发现了他的真实身份的秘密。一个动作空间adventurefull幽默和心脏|火花的故事,一个男孩肩负着重大责任的过程中,发现自己在宇宙中的位置。
Thirteen years ago| the power-mad General Zhong seized control of Planet Bana and tore it to pieces in the process. Now splintered into hundreds of shards| Zhong isBana's evil-overlord| ruling with an iron fist. Enter Spark| a teenage monkey and his friends| Vix| a battle-ready fox| and Chunk| a tech-savvy pig. Spark learns ofZhong's secret plan to take over the universe by capturing a giant space monster known as the Kraken - a beast that has the power to create black holes. If Zhongmanages to harness the Kraken's power| he'll have history's deadliest weapon at his fingertips| and it's up to Spark and his friends to stop him. Spark's journeytakes him to the farthest reaches of the universe| where he encounters great dangers and discovers the secret of his true identity. An action-packed space adventurefull of humor and heart| Spark is the story of a boy who takes on great responsibility and in the process discovers his rightful place in the universe.
