劫中劫,To Steal From A ThiefCien años de perdón

<br/> 一伙盗贼为首的厄尔尼诺年3月1日将抢劫瓦伦西亚银行。他们的目的是尽可能多地盗窃安全箱,然后通过一个挖掘隧道逃离,把这个建筑与废弃的地铁站联系起来。然而,首相的新闻官发现小偷后都:他们想得到314盒,Gonzalo Soriano,前政府成员们陷入昏迷的严重事故后,留下的文件与妥协的信息。当大雨淹没隧道时,这...

一伙盗贼为首的厄尔尼诺年3月1日将抢劫瓦伦西亚银行。他们的目的是尽可能多地盗窃安全箱,然后通过一个挖掘隧道逃离,把这个建筑与废弃的地铁站联系起来。然而,首相的新闻官发现小偷后都:他们想得到314盒,Gonzalo Soriano,前政府成员们陷入昏迷的严重事故后,留下的文件与妥协的信息。当大雨淹没隧道时,这伙人的计划开始出错,使他们无处可逃。此外,尽管抢劫是由执政党的一个派别设置的,但是银行的保安人员并没有接到允许他们逃跑的指示。
A group of thieves led by El Uruguayo is set to rob a bank in Valencia. Their purpose is to steal as many safety boxes as possible and then flee through a dug tunnel that communicates the building with an abandoned subway station. However, the press officer of the Prime Minister discovers what the thieves are actually after: they want to get their hands on box 314, where Gonzalo Soriano, a former member of the government who slipped into a coma after a severe accident, left documents with compromising information. The gang's plans start to go awry when the tunnel is flooded by heavy rain, leaving them with no escape. Also, despite the robbery being a setup by a faction of the governing party, the bank's security personnel has not received the instructions to let them flee.